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 Virtual Console

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Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 32
Localisation : Marseille (13)
Consoles : Wii , Nintendo DS Lite
Date d'inscription : 20/04/2007

Virtual Console Empty
MessageSujet: Virtual Console   Virtual Console Icon_minitimeVen 27 Avr - 15:03

Virtual Console Bn_vc

Ici on parlera de la Virtual Console de La Wii
Les Prix des jeux :
Jeux NES : 500 points/ 5€
Jeux Super Nintendo : 800 Pts/ 8€
Jeux Nintendo 64 : 1000 pts/ 10€
Jeux Megadrive : 800 pts/ 8€
Jeux PC Engine : 600 Pts/ 6€

Et prochainement :
Neo Geo

Un Tableau récapitulatif des jeux :

ActRaiser (Super Nintendo)
Alien Crush (TurboGraFX)
Altered Beast (Megadrive)
Baseball (NES)
Bio-Hazard battle (Megadrive)
Bomberman 93 (TurboGraFX)
Bonanza Bros (Megadrive)
Bonk's Adventure (TurboGraFX)
Bonk's Revenge (TurbograFX)
Castlevania (NES)
Chew Man Fu (TurboGraFX)
Columns (Megadrive)
Comix Zone (Megadrive)
Donkey Kong Country (Super Nintendo)
Donkey Kong Jr (NES)
Donkey Kong Jr. Math (NES)
Double Dungeons (TurboGraFX)
Dragon's Curse (TurboGraFX)
Dr Robotnik´s Mean Bean Machine (Megadrive)
Dungeon Explorer (TurboGraFX)
Ecco the Dolphin (Megadrive)
ExciteBike (NES)
F-Zero (Super Nintendo)
Gain Ground (Megadrive)
Galaga (NES)
Golden Axe (Megadrive)
Gradius (NES)
Gunstar Heroes (Megadrive)
Ice Hockey (NES)
Kid icarus (NES)
Kirby´s adventure (NES)
Lylat Wars (N64)
Mario Kart 64 (N64)
Military Madness (TurboGraFX)
Moto Roader (TurboGraFX)
New Adventure Island (TurboGraFX)
Pacman (NES)
Pinball (NES)
Punch Out !! (NES)
R-Type (TurboGraFX)
R-Type 3 (Super Nintendo)
Ristar (Megadrive)
Sim City (Super Nintendo)
Soccer (NES)
Soldier Blade (TurboGraFX)
Solomon´s Key (NES)
Sonic Spinball (Megadrive)
Sonic The Hedgehog (Megadrive)
Space Harrier II (Megadrive)
Street Fighter 2 (Super Nintendo)
Streets of Rage (Megadrive)
Super Castlevania IV (Super Nintendo)
Super Ghouls And Ghosts (Super Nintendo)
Super Mario 64 (N64)
Super Mario Bros (NES)
Super Mario World (Super Nintendo)
Super Probotector (Super Nintendo)
Super Star Soldier (TurboGraFX)
Sword of vermillion (Megadrive)
Tennis (NES)
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja (Super Nintendo)
The Legend of Zelda (NES)
The Legend of Zelda 2 : The adventure of Link (NES)
The Legend of Zelda : A Link to The Past
The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time (N64)
The Story of Thor (Megadrive)
Toe Jam & Earl (Megadrive)
Urban Champion (NES)
Vectorman (Megadrive)
Victory Run (TurboGraFX)
Vigilante (TurboGraFX)
Wario´s Woods (NES)
Xevious (NES)

Ca fait beaucoup ^^
Et L'image qui montre la compatibilité de la manette sur certains jeux de la console :
Virtual Console Wii-controllers
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